Third Grade Unit 3 Express Yourself |
Understanding How do writers and artists express themselves? Essential Question: How do you express yourself, or share your thoughts or feelings with others? Some people express themselves through art.
Week 1 - Author: A True Story | Teacher Resources | Students Resources | |
RI.3.9 I can statements: I can use context clues to identify meaning of words. I can distinguish my own point of view from that of the author to help me to understand the author’s purpose. I can identify the main idea from this selection. I can compare the information from the multiple sources and identify the importance of each piece of information. |
3-1 Vocabulary Match Vocabulary Review Verb Tenses (Running Time 3:27) This is a video that introduces action verbs and includes verb tenses. It can be broken into parts as necessary. Note: If the link does not work, log in to Where the Action Is(Running Time 5:02) This is a short video clip about verbs and tenses. Note: If the link does not work, log in to Author's Purpose (Running Time 4:24) Note: If the link does not work, log in to Helen Lester's Website QR Codes for Listening Centers: Teachers please print these out for the students to use. |
Learning About an Author- I can research an author, generate interview questions, and then compose a letter to their author. (Inspiration) Author's Voice & Text Support- I can understand the types of biographies and identify text evidence to prove "Author, A Ture Story" is an autobiography. Note: If the link does not work, log in to Another Author's Biography - I can view a video clip biography about an author and respond to questions about his life and make generalizations about his character traits. I can compare that author to Helen Lester. Note: If the link does not work, log in to Author, A True Story- l can identify the author's point of view on writing. Share with your teacher as directed using OneDrive or Google Drive. PowerPoint version Google Slides version Author's Purpose- I can identify the author's purpose of "Author, A True Story." (Inspiration) Fizzle Box- I can develop their own Fizzle box as described by Helen Lester. Share with your teacher as directed using OneDrive or Google Drive. PowerPoint version Google Drive version Action Verbs-I can identify actions and categorize action verbs. |
Week 2 - Dear Juno | Teacher Resources | Students Resources | |
Student Learning
RL.3.9 I can statements:
I can use details/evidence from the text to ask and answer questions before, during, and after reading to show understanding. I can identify how the characters’ actions affect the sequence of the story. I can identify how the characters’ traits, feelings, and motives influence my understanding of what happens in the story. I can identify how the author showed creativity using non-literal (figurative) language. I can identify literal language and explain how the language helped me to understand the author’s purpose. |
3-2 Vocabulary Match Vocabulary Review Juno Vocabulary 1 Juno Vocabulary 2 Letter Writing Provides information on writing a friendly letter. Present-Tense Verbs Provides information and an activity for students. Korea- From CultureGrams History of the Telephone- From PBS How to write a friendly letter (Running Time: 12:00) This is a short video clip explaining the five parts of a letter. Note: If the link does not work, log in to History of the Telephone with Billy Nye (Running Time: 10:00) Note: If the link does not work, log in to Greatest Inventions with Bill Nye-Communication (Full Video Running Time 55:56- consider showing a portion of it.) Note: If the link does not work, log in to |
Dear Juno: Elements of a Narrative- I can identify and explain the elements of a story. (Inspiration) A Different Kind of Letter- I can brainstorm objects to be included in a letter to a friend. Then I can compose the letter. Share with your teacher as directed using OneDrive or Google Drive. PowerPoint version Google Slides version Communication Then and Now- I can compare how communication has changed throughout the years. Share with your teacher as directed using OneDrive or Google Drive. PowerPoint version Google Slides version Present-Tense Verbs I can identify present-tense verbs and use them in meaningful sentences. Main Idea & Events - I can identify the main idea and find details to support it. Note: If the link does not work, log in to |
Week 3 - Messaging Mania (TFK) | Teacher Resources | Students Resources | |
Student Learning Outcomes:
RI.3.7 I can statements:
I can use details/evidence from the text to ask and answer questions before, during, and after reading to show understanding. I can use language that shows time, sequence, and cause/effect to help me compare the relationships between events, ideas, and procedures. |
3-3 Vocabulary Match Vocabulary Review STOP Cyberbullying (website) Writing with Writers- All works are reviewed by Scholastic before publishing. Past-Tense Verbs This provides information and activities. Past-Tense Verb Quiz Short quiz on identifying past-tense verbs. |
Your Friend on the Internet? (online video) Technology & The Impacts- I can research different types of technology and write about how they positively and negatively impact humans and the environment. I can create my own board in DE with pictures and information on the causes and effects. Note: If the link does not work, log in to Cause/ Effect Writing - I can apply my understanding of cause and effect relationships to analyze relationships among ideas. Note: If the link does not work, log in to C U L8R, Bullies- I can brainstorm ideas and then create a poster using Pixie or Publisher to raise awareness about cyberbullies. After you brainstorm your ideas, create a digital poster using Pixie/Wixie or Google Drawings. Share with your teacher as directed using OneDrive or Google Drive. PowerPoint version Google Slides version Google Drawings Poster Template Writing With Writers- Publish your writing online! Messaging Mania- I can analyze relationships within the article to help them form their own opinion of instant messaging. Then, I can compose a letter voicing their opinion. Share with your teacher as directed using OneDrive or Google Drive. PowerPoint version Google Slides version Explanatory How-To Letter I can use thinking maps to write a friendly letter explaining how to do something to a friend. |
Week 4 - What Do Illustrators Do? | Teacher Resources | Students Resources | |
Student Learning Outcomes:
L.3.4 I Can Statements: I can use language that shows time, sequence, and cause/effect to help me compare the relationships between events, ideas, and procedures. I can use text features and search tools to help me locate information accurately. I can use text features to increase my understanding and ability to make informed choices. |
3-4 Vocabulary Match Vocabulary Review Text Structure Verbs Quiz Short assessment on identifying verbs. Cause and Effect PowerPoint Creating 3D Animation (Running Time: 6:05) Note: If the link does not work, log in to Moving Pictures (Running Time 8:43) Note: If the link does not work, log in to Writing with Pictures (Running Time 6:23) Note: If the link does not work, log in to |
What Do Illustrators Do?-
I can sequence the steps in illustrating and publishing a
children's picture book. (Inspiration) Comparison to Illustrator - I can use a double bubble format to compare my actions to the actions of a illustrator. I can compare two illustrators. What Do Illustrators Do?- I can identify the different text features and strategies the author uses to convey meaning. Share with your teacher as directed using OneDrive or Google Drive. Word version Google Drawings version Author vs Illustrator- I can compare the jobs of authors and illustrators.Share with your teacher as directed using OneDrive or Google Drive. PowerPoint version Google Slides version Illustrator vs Animator- I can compare the jobs of illustrators and animators. Share with your teacher as directed using OneDrive or Google Drive. PowerPoint version Google Drive version |
Week 5 - The Jones Family Express | Teacher Resources | Students Resources | |
Student Learning Outcomes:
RL.3.5 I can statements: I can use details/evidence from the text to ask and answer questions before, during, and after reading to show understanding. I can i I can identify how the author shows creativity using non-literal (figurative) language.
I can use literal language to help me understand the author’s purpose. |
3-5 Vocabulary Match Vocabulary Review Making Inference Sensory Words and Details |
Greetings From...- I can choose a place I would like to visit and research it. Then, I can compose a postcard to a family member as if I had been there. Research Template (Inspiration)
Postcard Template (Publisher)- Click on the question marks to add pictures of your location. Click on the second page icon at the bottom of the window to write your letter.
Postcard Template (Google Slides)
Google Maps- Get a map of your location! Type in the name of the place you want to visit, hit enter, and then click on the hyperlink. Right click to copy the map and place in the Postcard
Descriptive Writing- I can write a narrative using descriptive words and sensory details.(Correlates with pg.421- 422 in Treasures textbook) Note: Login to prior to clicking link.
Write a postcard to family! I can use Pixie to write a postcard to a family member. |
Unit 3 Theme Project: Express Yourself |
Unit 3 Research Question: How do people choose to express themselves? |
You can express yourself through words, art, music and drama. If you could choose a fun and interesting way to express yourself what would it be? Research a famous artist, writer, musician or author. Write about what inspired this person and how they expressed their ideas through art. |
1. Research information about the artist or writer that you chose. Include basic facts about the time and place that they lived. Explain what inspired this person and how they expressed their ideas. Use the link below to create a biography cube that summarizes important biographical information.
Biography Cube Maker - Interactive website that allows you to type in important information, print and construct a cube.
Artopia -Interactive website where students can explore various types of visual arts. Sections include: music, dance, sculpture, theater and painting.
Giggle Poetry - Poems for students
3. Share an idea using some form of artistic expression. Ask your team members to identify the artistic form that you chose and summarize the idea that you shared. |
Curriculum Links | Resources |
Artopia | Interactive website where students can explore various types of visual arts. Sections include: music, dance, sculpture, theater and painting. |
The Art Zone at NGA: | Interactive website that allows students to explore different artistic styles. |
Comic Strip Maker | Allows students to create a short comic with characters, setting and text. |
Teacher Notes | |
Standards | Resources |
Common Core Standard: W6- With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others. W7 Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic. W8 Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories. Technology Standard: STANDARD 5.0: Technology for Information Use and Management: Use technology to locate, evaluate, gather, and organize information |
Learning About an Author |
Common Core Standard: RI6-Distinguish their own point of view from that of the author of a text. Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Author, A True Story |
Common Core Standard: RL6-Access how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text. Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Author's Purpose |
Common Core Standard: L3 CCR Anchor Standard- Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Fizzle Box |
Common Core Standard: W7 Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic. W8 Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories. Technology Standard: STANDARD 5.0: Technology for Information Use and Management: Use technology to locate, evaluate, gather, and organize information |
Thinkquest: History of
Communication Thinkquest: The Evolution of Communication |
Common Core Standard: RL2- Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text. Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Dear Juno: Elements of a Narrative |
Common Core Standard: W2- Introduce a topic and group related iformation together; include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. W6- With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others. Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
A Different Kind of Letter |
Common Core Standard: W7 Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic. RI3- Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect. Technology Standard: STANDARD 5.0: Technology for Information Use and Management: Use technology to locate, evaluate, gather, and organize information STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Communication Then and Now |
Common Core Standard: W2- Introduce a topic and group related iformation together; include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. W6- With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others. Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
C U L8R, Bullies |
Common Core Standard: W6- With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others. Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Writing With Writers Explanatory How-To Letter Write a postcard to a family member |
Common Core Standard: W1- Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. W6- With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others. Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Messaging Mania |
Common Core Standard: W6- With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others. Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Make a Flip Book (website) |
Common Core Standard: RI3- Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect. Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
What Do Illustrators Do? |
Common Core Standard: RI7-Use information gained from illustrations and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
What Do Illustrators Do? |
Common Core Standard: RI8- Describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text (eg., comparison, cause/effect, first/second/third in a sequence. RI9- Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic. Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Author vs Illustrator |
Common Core Standard: RI8- Describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text (eg., comparison, cause/effect, first/second/third in a sequence. Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Illustrator vs Animator |
Common Core Standard: W1- Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. W6- With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others. Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
My..... |
Common Core Standard: W2- Introduce a topic and group related iformation together; include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. W6- With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others. Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. STANDARD 5.0: Technology for Information Use and Management: Use technology to locate, evaluate, gather, and organize information |
Greetings From... |
Common Core Standard: L1 CCS Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Technology Standard: STANDARD 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration- Use a Variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Action Verbs Present-Tense Verbs Past-Tense Verbs Verb Tenses Where the Action Is |
August 2016