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Fifth Grade
Unit 4
 Team Up to Survive

Enduring Understanding:
Teamwork can help us get through difficult situations.
Essential Question:
How can teamwork help in a difficult situation? 

Inquiry and Research Project / Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5

Week 1: Spirit of Endurance

Teacher Resources

Student Resources

I  "Can" Statements:
I can analyze how the organization of the text influences the relationship amoung ideas.

I can recognize the sequence of the text in order to understand the relationship between ideas.

RI 5.1
RI 5.3
RI 5.5
RI 5.7

TreasuresJennifer Armstrong
Read more about the author, rate the story, and explore her website.

Spirit of Endurance Vocabulary
Introduce the new vocabulary words through PowerPoint.

Thinking Map: Flow Map
Use this blank Flow Map on the SMARTBoard.

Writing An Informational Article
Use these videos to scaffold students' writing process in creating introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs.

Shackelton & Saunders Research Project:
Research Project Directions

Writing Rubric

Ernest Shackelton
View his biography and timeline of events. View his dairy, pictures of Antarctica and more. 

Cool Antarctica
Use the source to compare and contrast the two authors renditions of Shackelton's expedition.

Ernest Shackelton Account of Expedition to the South Pole
Listen to his first hand
account in this 4 minute audio clip.
Note: If the link does not open, login to aacps.discoveryeducation.com

newSaunders Ted Talk Video

Watch the 17 minute video describing Ben Saunders' trip to the South Pole and back. Complete compare and contrast student Pixie activity.
Vocabulary Practice
I can play tic-tac-toe by identifying vocabulary words.

Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions
 I can read and questions to quiz yourself on how well you can make inferences and draw conclusions.

 TreasuresAntarctica - Life at The South Pole:
Research and Inquiry

including links to:

Welcome to Antarctica
Vitrual Tour of the South Pole
I can read about what it is like at a research station at the South Pole.

Shackelton & Saunders Reseach Project:
The "Heroic Era"
I can read the subsection of the Antarctica article in World Book.

Sequencing the Expedition I can use Pixie to sequence information.
I can write an informational article about Ernest Shackelton and his Expedition using the 5Ws and text support.

Essay Map I can use the interactive tool from read,write,think to organize my writing.

Saunders and Shackleton
I can compare the expeditions after watching the video of Ben Saunders.

Week 2:  Ultimate Field Trip

Teacher Resources

Student Resources

I "Can" Statements:
I can analyze the patterns in sentences to determine the main idea.

I can identify the important details of the passage in order to determine the main idea.

RI 5.1
RI 5.2
RI 5.5
RI 5.8
RI 5.9
treasuresUltimate Field Trip Vocabulary Introduce new vocabulary words through PowerPoint.

Main Idea:
Details Tree Map
Use this blank Tree Map on the SMARTboard to determine the main idea.  List all the important details and show what they all have in common is the main idea.

Smart notebookMain Ideas and Details

Ultimate Field Trip 5 Research Project:
discoveryed video
People and Space
The four segments of this video show what it takes to put astronauts into space and to keep them there as they live and work.

Note: If the link does not open, login to aacps.discoveryeducation.com

discovery asssignmentsAssignment Students research preparation for space exploration and the create a Discovery Education board. Scaffold by creating a sample board with possible areas.

Life Aboard the International Space Station This NASA webpage details routines and life on the International Space Station. Select sections to share with students for research.
Main Idea:
What is the Main Idea?
Watch the BrainPop video lesson and then try an activity and quiz to make sure you understand the main idea.

newPixie Main Idea Mini Project I can read an article from Time for Kids, determine the main idea and complete the activities in Pixie.

Ultimate Field Trip 5 Research Project:
discovery assignment
Assignment I can research preparation for space exploration and then create a Discovery Ed board.
Note: If the link does not open, login to aacps.discoveryeducation.com

newInternational Space Station
I can explore the Nasa Kids website and give details on life in a space station.

Week 3:  Heroes in Time of Need

Teacher Resources

Student Resources

I "Can" Statements:
I can distinguish between facts and opinions based on text evidence.

RI 5.4
RI 5.6
RI 5.7
RI 5.8
L 5.4
TreasuresHeroes in Time of Need Vocabulary Introduce vocabulary through the PowerPoint
Vocabulary Template
Have students select vocabulary to use in the template.

newFact and Opinion:
Locating Facts in a Newspaper
Editorials: Facts that Support Opinions
Using Newspapers and readworks.com (free signin), have students work in small groups to identify facts and opinions in newspaper and facts that support an opinion in editorials.

Advertising Fact or Opinion In this mini-project, after exploring how advertisers market a product, students will read 10 advertising claims and tell whether each asserts a factual claim or an opinion. Students will consider whether facts or opinions are more useful to consumers. Extension activities listed on the site.

Tsunamis and Earthquakes:

"Help Heal Japan" Recording Sheet
smartDouble Bubble Thinking Map
Inspiration Compare/Contrast
Pixie Compare/Contrast

As an extension, have students use one of the formats to compare and contrast.


pixie What Makes a Hero
I can paint a portrait of a person in my life that is a hero.
pixie Write Non-fiction
I can use text features found in many pieices of non-fiction to write my own piece.

Fact or Opinion:

Quiz 1
Quiz 2

I can test my skills on distinguishing between fact and opinion in these online quizzes.
InspirationFact and Opinion Article Organizer
I can organize facts and opinions from an article. I can add my own opinoins and prepare for socratic seminar.

Tsunamis and Earthquakes:
Japan's Tsunami
Scholastic News Article
Earthquakes for Kids

TrueFlix - Extreme Nature
I can explore the events of Japan's tsunami in 2011, what caused it, and what they can do to help. I can create my own original t-shirt design to show their support and raise money for the tsunami victims.

assignmentDiscovery Education Assignment
board builderSample Student Board

I can create a board about Tsunamis or Earthquakes  by adding facts from my research. I can include facts and no more than 1 opinion.

Week 4:  Zathura

Teacher Resources

Student Resources

I "Can" Statements:
 I can analyze the benefits of drawing conclusions in order to identify the incidences in the story that propel the story.

I can connect information in order to draw conclusions about the events in the story.

RL 5.1
RL 5.2
RL 5.6
treasuresZathura Vocabulary
Introduce new vocabulary words through PowerPoint.  Each slide has a word, definition, and teacher notes.
newZathura Printable Comprehension & Vocabulary Check can be shared in Word.
Zathura Website Teacher's lesson activities from HoughtonMifflin.
Read, Write, Think Mysteries of Harris Burdick lesson plan

discoveryThe Spacefiles: This ten minute video provides information on different types of comets.
Note: If the link does not open, login to aacps.discoveryeducation.com

newDrawing Conclusions:
The Mysteries of Harris Burdick Use the QR codes in the PowerPoint to have students draw conclusions about what's occuring in each picture.
newAuthor's Study: Chris Van Allsburg
Publisher's Website
Video Interview
pixie Note's Page
I can research to learn more about the story's author.
Story Starter Machine
Mystery Cube
I can create an imaginative story using the interactive websites, just like Chris Van Allsburg!

Drawing Conclusions:
Discovery ed
All-American Slurp
inspirationDrawing Conclusion
smart Multiflow Map
I can read the selected article and use an organizer to show my conclusions.

Week 5: Skunk Scout

Teacher Resources

Student Resources

I "Can" Statements:
I can determine the conflicts that the character experienced as well as the relationship the setting played in those conflicts.

RL 5.3
RL 5.6
RL 5.9
treasuresSkunk Scout Vocabulary
Introduce new vocabulary words through PowerPoint.  Each slide has a word, definition, and teacher notes.

smart Thinking Map: Multiflow Map

Vocabulary Quiz
An interactive vocabulary quiz and review in PowerPoint.

Character Conflict:
inspirationSkunk Scout Organizer
I can complete the graphic organizer to examine the conflicts that the main character has about the camping trip.

Camping In Maryland Project

I can create a presentation for parents to persuade them to take their families camping this summer by researching a popular Maryland Campground.


Inquiry and Research Project

Teacher Resources

Student Resources

Enduring Understanding: Teamwork can help us get through difficult situations.

Essential Question: How can teamwork help in a difficult situation? 
  Smartboard How do animals and humans work together?
Research different relationships between humans and animals.















Theme Connections

Writing Resources

Unit Project Resources


Theme Statement:
Teamwork can help us get through difficult situations.  In what situations can working as a team be helpful?

(page xvi)

Word Choice Read Along -
A recording sheet designed for students to listen to a story and record interesting words.

Word Choice Rubric -
Have students score themselves or their peers on the complexity of their word choice.

Word Choice Lesson Plan
- A pre-made lesson plan from read-write-thinkUse as a supplement to the Treasure's minilesson.

Strong Sentences/Paragraphs
Hook Sentences - This lesson plan teaches students to start off with a hook sentence to generate interest.


Middle School Model
- Show students what a middle school essay looks like. This webpage has a variety of model exemplars to show.

(Week 6)
Is This Sentence Correct? -
Proofreading quiz

AACPS Approved Online Databases

MINILESSON: Citing Reliable Sources
Discovery Streaming IconResearch: Cite Your Source Video - This video presents how to write a bibliography by citing sources using the proper format.  (4 minutes) Login to Discovery Education before selecting the link below. Please note that Discovery Streaming Videos must be downloaded prior to use as per AACPS guidelines.

Identifying Reliable Sources - This blog shows how to teach identifing reliable sources and citations.  A lesson sequence is included.

Intro to Online Sources Video
- Want to research something on the web? Learn how the Internet can be a one-stop destination for all of your research needs. Discover some of the different types of websites that can help you in your search for information. Learn how to evaluate the trustworthiness of an online source in six easy steps!

Discovery Streaming IconEvaluating Sources -  Evaluate the validity of your sources. Learn how to organize information, critique electronic media and other online resources, and determine the best sources. Login to Discovery Education before selecting the link below. Please note that Discovery Streaming Videos must be downloaded prior to use as per AACPS guidelines.

MINILESSON:  Refining the Research Question

Select and Refine a Topic - A list of online resources from internet4classrooms.

What's the Big Idea? - Student interactive that quizzes students on identifying the big idea in a paragraph.

AACPS Approved Online Databases

Discovery StreamingTeamwork Video
Introduction or Culminating Activity

Login to Discovery Education before selecting the link below. Please note that Discovery Streaming Videos must be downloaded prior to use as per AACPS guidelines.

Additional Theme Resources:

Invent a Sport- Inspiration
PowerPoint IconInvent a Sport.ppt
















Teacher Notes



Common Core Standard: L.5.6. Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal contrast, addition, and other logical relationships

Technology Standard: 3- Technology for Learning and Collaboration

 Vocabulary Practice(Spirit of Endurance)

Spirit of Endurance Vocabulary (Teacher)  

Ultimate Field Trip Vocabulary(Teacher)

Heroes in Time of Need Vocabulary(Teacher)

Zathura Vocabulary (Teacher)

Vocabulary Quiz- (Zathura) 

Skunk Scout Vocabulary(Teacher)

Vocabulary Quiz-(Skunk Scout)

Common Core Standard: RL.5.2. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.

Technology Standard:
Standard 5.0 – Technology for Information Use and Management: Use technology to locate, evaluate, gather, and organize information.

Thinking Map: Flow Map

Thinking Map: Brace Map

Thinking Map: Double Bubble

Thinking Map: Multiflow Map


Common Core Standard: RI.5.7. Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.

Technology Standard:
3- Technology for Learning and Collaboration

People and Space



The Spacefiles:  The Outer Solar System: Comets

Evaluating Sources

Japan's Tsunami

Fact or Opinion? Quiz

Fact or Opinion Quiz 2

Common Core Standard: RL.5.2. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.

Technology Standard: 3- Technology for Learning and Collaboration

Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions

Jennifer Armstrong

Ernest Shackelton

Reading Guide-(ultimate field trip)

Chris Van Allsburg: Zathura Teacher Resource Page

Common Core Standard: W.5.3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.

Technology Standard: 3- Technology for Learning and Collaboration

Zathura: Chris Van Allsburg's Kid's Corner

Story Starter Machine

Create a Comic Strip!

Common Core Standard: RL.5.3. Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text

Common Core Standard: W.5.1

Write opinion pieces on topics or texts , supporting a point of view with reasons and information.

Technology Standard: 3- Technology for Learning and Collaboration

Thinking Map: Multiflow Map

Camping Advertisement Presentation




















August 2014