Chicken and Egg Traits Connect Us
Theme 2 Unit 2


First Grade Home
Exploration Questions 1-3 Exploration Questions 4-6 Exploration Questions 7-9


Unit Questions Teacher Resources Student Resources
How do traits connect all living things?
Exploration Questions 1-3

currFoundational Literacy:

sb Capitals

sb High Frequency Words

Sh/Th Sort

Trait Pictures

Curriculum ConnectionShared Reading:
Welcome Animal Babies

sbWe Are Glad
I'm Glad to Be Me

Curriculum ConnectionVideos:

Discovery: Prior to selecting the link, login to Discovery Education (

deThe Food Chain

deCarnivores, Herbivores, and Omnivores

What is a Mammal?

deAnimal Adaption

/Sh/ sound
(SafeShare Video)

Meet the Phonics -/Sh/
(SafeShare Video)

currSocial Studies & Science:
 sbTrait Analogy

sbOffspring Traits

Everyone's Face is Different

sbBabies and Parents

sbFrog Life Cycle

sbMouth Adaption

sbWhat Do Animals Eat?

Teachers login to Wixie, select the link, then assign to students.

Life Cycle of the Frog

 All About Me

 Compare People

Theme Activities:

What Animals Eat

Food Chain
(Britannica School)

Foundational Activities:

smartboard icon
High Frequency Practice
(Questions 1-4)

Starfall- Sh


 Blend Words

Magical Capitalization
(Shephard Software)

Kung Fu

Word Knowledge

The Reading Machine 1
(Safe YouTube)

Long A Center

How do traits connect all living things?
Exploration Questions 4-6

sb  Digraphs /th/, /sh/, /-ng/

sb Long A
Curriculum ConnectionShared Reading:
Poems Question 4

Curriculum ConnectionVideos:

How Seeds Grow

Plant Anatomy
(Enchanted Learning)

/Th/ song
(Safe YouTube)

Final -ng, -nk
(Safe YouTube)

Social Studies & Science:

SmartNBHow Seeds Travel

Teachers login to Wixie, select the link, then assign to students.

Tree or Flower?

Compare Plants and Animals

Picture sort a_e

Foundational Activities:

smartboard icon
High Frequency Practice
(Questions 5-8)

Long Vowels-a_e

/Th/ Sound
(Turtle Diary)

Mine Cart Crash - E
(Electric Company)
How do traits connect all living things?
Exploration Questions 7-9

Curriculum ConnectionShared Reading:

Poems  Questions 7-9

Curriculum ConnectionInteractive Read Aloud:

Mason Moves Away
Tumblebooks login:
Username: aacpl
Password: aacps

Curriculum ConnectionVideos:
Discovery: Prior to selcting the link, login to Discovery Education (

Camouflage Colors


deAnimal Groups: Beginning Classification

Super E
(Foudational Literacy)

Zebra Images
(National Geographic Kids)

Camouflage and Mimicry

 Teachers login to Wixie, select the link, then assign to students.

Types Of Animals

Theme Activities:

Animal Research

Adaptation Game

Foundational Activities:

smartboard icon
High Frequency Practice
(Question 9)

Which Dog?
(Clifford the Dog)

Early World Learning

Jake's Tale

The Amazing E

Popcorn Games
(Fun for the Brain)



Teacher Notes
Questions/Resources Standards
How do traits connect all living things?
Exploration Questions 1-3

Books Needed for this Unit
High Frequency Words
Sh/Th Sort
Trait Pictures
Welcome Animal Babies Eggs
We Are Glad and I'm Glad to Be Me
/sh/ sound
Meet the Phonics - /sh/
The Food Chain
Carnivores, Herbivores, and Omnivores
What is a Mammal?
Trait Analogy
Offspring Traits
Everyone's Face is Different
Babies and Parents
Frog Life Cycle
Mouth Adaptation
What Do Animals Eat?
What Animals Eat
How Seeds Travel
Life Cycle of a Frog
Food Chain
All About Me
Compare People
See and Spell Digraphs
Starfall- Sh
Starfall- Ch
Beginning Consonants Digraphs
Final Consonant Digraphs
Blend Words
Magical Capitalization
Kung Fu
Word Knowledge
The Reading Machine
High Frequency Practice
Long A Center
Common Core
RF.1.1 Demonstrate understanding of the organization and the basic features of print
RF.1.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
RF.1.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
RL.1.5 Explain major differences between books that give information, drawing on a wide reading of a range of text types.
RL.1.10 With prompting and support, read prose and  poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 1.
RI.1.2 Identify the main topic and retell key details in a text.
RI.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
L.1.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
L.1.2 Demonstrate command of conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
SL.1.4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly.

4.A.1.b Describe special traits about each member of your family.
National PE Standard 4:
The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

ASCA Mindsets (Standards)
Demonstrate the development of the whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional, and physical well being.
Science/Social Studies
 NGSS 1.LS3.A Young animals are very much, but not exactly, like their parents.  Plants also are very much, but not exactly like their parents.
NGSS Science and Engineering Practice 5:
Decide when to use qualitative vs. quantitative data
NGSS Science and Engineering Practice 7:
Identify arguments that are supported by evidence.
Visual Arts
3.1.a Experiment with art media, processes, and techniques and describe ways they can be used to express thoughts and feelings.
ISTE Student Standards Addressed:
3. Knowledge Constructor
6. Creative Communicator
How do traits connect all living things?
Exploration Questions 4-6

Digraphs /th/, /sh/, /ng/
Long A
Poems Question 4
How Seeds Grow
Plant Anatomy
/Th/ Song
Final -ng, -nk
How Seeds Travel
Tree or Flower?
Compare Plants and Animals
High Frequency Practice
Picture Sort a_e
Long Vowels a_e
/th/ Sound
Mine Cart Crash - E
Common Core
RF.1.1 Demonstrate understanding of the organization and the basic features of print
RF.1.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
RF.1.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
RI.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
RI.1.4 Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.
RI.1.5 Know and use various text features (e.g., headings, tables of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text.
RL.1.5 Explain major differences between books that give information, drawing on a wide reading of a range of text types.
L.1.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
L.1.2 Demonstrate command of conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
SL.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
SL.1.4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly
National PE Standard 4:
The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

ASCA Mindsets (Standards)
Demonstrate the development of the whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional, and physical well being.
Science/Social Studies
NGSS CCC 1: Patterns in the natural and human designed world can be observed, used to describe phenomena, and used as evidence.
NGSS CCC 6: The shape and stability of structures of natural and designed objects are related to their functions.
NGSS 1.LS3-1 Make observations to construct an evidence-based account that young plants and animals are like, but not exactly like, their parents.
NGSS 1.LS3.A Young animals are very much, but not exactly, like their parents.  Plants also are very much, but not exactly like their parents.
NGSS 1.LS3.B Individuals of the same kind of plant or animal are recognizable as similar but can also vary in many ways.
NGSS Science and Engineering Practice 7: Distinguish between explanations that account for all gathered evidence and those that do not.
Visual Arts
2.1.b Use selected works of art as inspiration to express ideas visually and verbally about people, places, and events.
ISTE Student Standards Addressed:
3. Knowledge Constructor
6. Creative Communicator
How do traits connect all living things?
Exploration Questions 7-9

Poems Questions 7-9
Animal Groups
Mason Moves Away
Super E
Zebra Images
Camouflage and Mimicry
Camouflage Colors
Animal Adaptations
Animal Research
Types of Animals
High Frequency Practice
Adaptation Game
Which Dog?
Early World Learning
Jake's Tale
The Amazing E
Popcorn Games
Common Core
RF.1.1 Demonstrate understanding of the organization and the basic features of print
RF.1.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
RF.1.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
RI.1.2 Identify the main topic and retell key details in a text.
RI.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
RI.1.7 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas.
RL.1.5 Explain major differences between books that give information, drawing on a wide reading of a range of text types.
RL.1.10 With prompting and support, read prose and  poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 1.
L.1.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
L.1.2 Demonstrate command of conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
SL.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
SL.1.5 Add drawing or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
National PE Standard 4:
The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

ASCA Mindsets (Standards)
Demonstrate the development of the whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional, and physical well being.
Science/Social Studies
NGSS 1.LS3-1 Make observations to construct an evidence-based account that young plants and animals are like, but not exactly like, their parents.
NGSS 1.LS3.B Individuals of the same kind of plant or animal are recognizable as similar but can also vary in many ways.
NGSS Engineering Practice: Use information from observations (firsthand and from media) to construct an evidence-based account for natural phenomena.
Visual Arts
2.1.b Use selected works of art as inspiration to express ideas visually and verbally about people, places, and events.
Music 3.1.a Improvise sounds to enhance stories and songs.
ISTE Student Standards Addressed:
3. Knowledge Constructor
6. Creative Communicator

Office of Instructional Technology
August 2017
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