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Students receiving diplomas. 

 Fifth Grade
Unit 6


Inquiry and Research Project / Week 1 / Week 2/ Week 3/ Week 4/ Week 5

Enduring Understanding:
Events in our lives can change the way we think.

Essential Question:
What events can help you change the way you think?

Week 1:  Miss Alaineus

Teacher Resources 

Student Resources

"I Can" Statements:
I can identify the conflicts the main character experienced.

I can explain how character conflict affects the plot of the story.

RL 5.1
Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

RL 5.3
Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text.

RL 5.6
Describe how a narrator's or speaker's point of view influences how events are described.

RL 5.7
Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the
Miss Alaineous Vocabulary
Introduce new vocabulary to students. PowerPoint includes teacher notes for each word.
Discovery Streaming IconPendemonium:  A Sari Tale: Spelling Errors
A twenty minute story revolving around misspelled words in an article.
Note: If the link does not open,  login to aacps.discoveryeducation.com

Author Study:

Debbie Fraiser
Home page of the author Debbie Frasier. Find supplemental activities to go along with the story, as well as videos showing how the book was written. Directions for planning your own Vocabulary Parade are included on her site too!

Using IPads and the EduCreations app (free account) to have students retell/summarize the story. Each page should focus on the beginning, middle, and end events. Students should also focus on the character conflict within the story. Use this PPT to help foster their thinking!

Character Project with Conflict - for ANY novel found here
Online Spelling Quiz
I can spell some of the most commonly misspelled words.
Spelling Game 1
Spelling Game 2
Spelling Game 3
I can sort words with Greek roots.

treasuresVocabulary Game 1
Miss Alaineous Vocabulary
I can review the story vocabulary.
pixie Vocabulary Trading Cards
I can select words from a story or novel that I don't think my classmates know and create trading cards.
Smartboard Create your own vocabulary poster
I can use one of the vocabulary words from the story to create your own poster.

Plot Diagram and Multi-Flow Map
I can determine the main events that make up the plot of the story and complete the multi-flow map to show how the main character's conflicts affect the plot of the story. 

Week 2: Bravo, Tavo!

Teacher Resources

Student Resources

"I Can" Statements:
I can identify the problem in a story and explain how it affects the characters and their relationships.

RL 5.3
Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text.
Rl 5.9
Compare and contrast stories in the same genre on their approaches to similar themes and topics.

Bravo, Tavo! Vocabulary
Introduce new vocabulary to students. PowerPoint includes teacher notes for each word.

The Whaddaya Know Quiz Show: Figures of Speech
This game quizzes students on their knowledge of alliteration, similes, metaphors, and onomatopoeia.

Note: If the link does not open, be sure to logon to aacps.discoveryeducation.com

Text Research Topics:
Underground Water
This 3 minute video give an overview of underground water and how humans use it. Note: If the link does not open, login to aacps.discoveryeducation.com
Vocabulary Game 1
I can review vocabulary.
Spelling Game 1
Spelling Game 2
 Spelling Game 3

I can unscramble words with Latin roots.

Character Relationships:

How does the problem affect the relationships? 
Complete the graphic organizer to show your understanding of how the relationships change throughout the story.

Futuristic Farm
Read about a futuristic farm and then compare hydroponic and traditional farming.
(Science Connection - Unit 3 and Unit 8 -- green resources and the environment)

Week 3: 

A Dream Comes True

Teacher Resources

Student Resources

"I Can" Statements:
I can analyze the author's position and their techniques of persuasion.

RI 5.1
Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

RI 5.8
Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text, identifying which reasons and evidence support which points.

A Dream Comes True Vocabulary
Introduce new vocabulary to students. PowerPoint includes teacher notes for each word.

Author Support:
Thinking Map: Tree Map
List the techniques of persuasion that the author used, then provide an example of how he used it in the story underneath.

Adaptive Sports:
Create a Board about the Paralympics
Select a disability that is repersented in the paralympic games.  Research to find out more and then create a board by using the Board Builder tools. 
Note: If the link does not open, login to aacps.discoveryeducation.com.

Adapted Sports
This article gives an overview of sports that have been adapted for those with physical challenges, specifically this article discusses sports in PE classes.

A Dream Comes True Review
Vocabulary Game 1

I can review vocabulary.

Adaptive Sports:
Create a Board about the Paralympics
Rio 2016 Paralympics
I can research and create a presentation.
Smartboard Paralympic Games
I can compare and contrast a sport I play with a Paralympic sport using a double bubble map.

Week 4: 


Teacher Resources

Student Resources

"I Can" Statements:
I can analyze a story in order to identify the theme of a piece of fiction.

RL 5.1
Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

RL 5.9
Compare and contrast stories in the same genre on their approaches to similar themes and topics.
Weslandia Vocabulary
Introduce new vocabulary to students. PowerPoint includes teacher notes for each word.

Text Research Topics:
Other Important Uses for Plants
This three minute video talks about uses for plants other than food.
Note: If the link does not open, login to aacps.discoveryeducation.com

Discovery StreamingStudent Inventor: Designing a Fishing Boat
In this 3 minute Bill Nye video clip, a student inventor is highlighted.
Note: If the link does not open, login to aacps.discoveryeducation.com

Vocabulary Game
Vocabulary Game
Vocabulary Review

Theme & Moral:
I can identify how the characters words, actions, and thoughts create the theme of the story. 

Determine the Moral

I can determine the moral of the story AND the Theme of the story by using QR codes to choose a story to read!


Text Research Topics:

Create your own civilization
I can create their own civilization based around a new fruit or vegetable


Week 5: The Gri Gri Tree

Teacher Resources

Student Resources

"I Can" Statements:
I can summarize the main events of the plot to identify incidents that advance the story.

I can identify the major events in the story that propel the story forward.

RL 5.1
Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

RL 5.7 Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text.
The Gri Gri Tree Vocabulary
Introduce new vocabulary to students. PowerPoint includes teacher notes for each word.

Thinking Map: Flow Map
Use this blank Flow Map on your SMARTboard to sequence events.

Video Book Trailer Instructions Discover a new way to have students summarize.  These are instructions to creating a video book trailer using programs such as Pixie, Wixie, educreations, iMovie, or Movie Maker.

Text Research Topics:

Merengue: A Blend of African and European Musical Traditions from the Dominican Republic
This two minute video gives an overview of Merengue music and dance.

Note: If the link does not open, login to aacps.discoveryeducation.com

Vocabulary Game 1
Vocabulary Game 2
Vocabulary Review
I can review story vocabulary.

Pixie Video Book Review
I can create a review of the story in an exciting way using Pixie, my voice, and my visualizing skills!

Text Research Topics:

Humpback Whales
Read and learn about humpback whales

Humpback Whale Migration Game
Learn about the migration of Humpback Whales with this fun online game.

Inquiry and Research Project

Teacher Resources

Student Resources

Enduring Understanding: Events in our lives can change the way we think.

Essential Question: What events can help you change the way you think?

Paraylmpic Games Brochure
Research the Paralympic Games and create an informative brochure.








Theme Connections

Writing Resources

Unit Project Resources


Theme Statement:
Events in our lives change the way we think. 
How can an event or experience change the way a person thinks?

Sequencing Practice- Uncover secret pictures as you sequence events correctly.

"How To" writing example- An example of a "How To" essay with revisions.
"How To" scaffolded composition - Use Time For Kids Checklist in order to write a "How To" Article.

Comic Strip Creator-  This online comic creator helps provide practice with sequencing.

Combining Sentences-
  This website gives examples and games to help you use conjunctions to combine simple sentences.
MINILESSON:  Organizing Your Notes

Discovery Streaming iconTaking Notes - Learn tips for note taking in this five minute video segment.

Note: If the link does not open, be sure to logon to aacps.discoveryeducation. com

Online Note-taker -
This program (read.write.think.) allows students to organize their notes using the computer, then print them out when finished. 

MINILESSON:  Using Direct Quotations

Discovery Streaming IconRules of Punctuation Video - Using good punctuation helps us write clearly, makes our writing easier to read, and helps our readers understand what we mean. Exciting graphics and video footage combine with the rules of punctuation as students learn about period usage, the exclamation point, question marks, commas, the apostrophe, quotation marks, the colon, semicolon, and parentheses. (15 minutes )
Note: If the link does not open, be sure to logon to aacps.discoveryeducation.com

Discovery Streaming IconQuotation Marks with Direct Quotations Video Segment -
Sabrina and Bryce use sentences in the monologue to explain usage of quotation marks and how to punctuate direct quotes. Quotation marks surround the exact words spoken. The punctuation at the end of the sentence should be placed inside the quotation marks.
Note: If the link does not open, be sure to logon to aacps.discoveryeducation.com.







Teacher Notes



Common Core Standard: L.5.6. Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal contrast, addition, and other logical relationships

Technology Standard:
3- Technology for Learning and Collaboration

Miss Alaineus Vocabulary Review

Unit 6 Week 1, Vocabulary Game 1

Vocabulary Trading Cards Pixie Week 1

Bravo, Tavo! Vocabulary

Unit 6, Week 2: Review: Vocabulary Game 1

A Dream Comes True Vocabulary Review

Unit 6 Week 3, Vocabulary Game 1

Weslandia Vocabulary

Unit 6 Week 4, Vocabulary Game 1

Unit 6 Week 4, Vocabulary Game 2

The Gri Gri Tree Vocabulary

Unit 6, Week 5, Vocabulary Game 1

Unit 6, Week 5, Vocabulary Game 2

Common Core Standard: RL.5.2. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.

Technology Standard:
Standard 5.0 – Technology for Information Use and Management: Use technology to locate, evaluate, gather, and organize information.

Thinking Map: Multiflow Map

Thinking Map: Tree Map

Thinking Map: Flow Map

Unit 6 Week 1 Plot Map

Unit 6 Week 2 Inspiration Activity

Common Core Standard: RI.5.7. Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.

Technology Standard:
3- Technology for Learning and Collaboration

Pendemonium:  A Sari Tale: Spelling Errors

Student Inventor: Designing a Fishing Boat

Other Important Uses for Plants

Merengue: A Blend of African and European Musical Traditions from the Dominican Republic-

Miss Alaineus

Paralympics Board in Discovery Education

Common Core Standard: L.5.1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Technology Standard: 3- Technology for Learning and Collaboration

National Spelling Bee

Animated Phonic/Word Study Lessons: Words with Greek Roots (need to be logged into connected.mcgrawhill)

Unit 6 Week 1, Spelling Game 1

Unit 6 Week 1, Spelling Game 2

Unit 6 Week 1, Spelling Game 3

Animated Phonics/Word Study Lessons: Words with Latin Roots and Prefixes (need to be logged into connected.mcgrawhill)

Unit 6, Week 2, Spelling Game 1

Unit 6, Week 2, Spelling Game 2

Unit 6, Week 2, Spelling Game 3

Unit 6 Week 3, Spelling Game 1

Unit 6 Week 3, Spelling Game 2

Unit 6 Week 3, Spelling Game 3

Unit 6 Week 3, Spelling Game 4

Unit 6 Week 4, Spelling Game 1

Unit 6 Week 4, Spelling Game 2

Unit 6 Week 4, Spelling Game 3

Unit 6 Week 5, Spelling Game 1

Unit 6 Week 5, Spelling Game 2

Common Core Standard: RI.5.8. Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text, identifying which reasons and evidence support which point(s).

Technology Standard: 3- Technology for Learning and Collaboration

(For all below links, you'll need to be logged into connected.mcgrawhill)

Animated Comprehension Lessons: Character/Setting/Plot

Animated Comprehension
 Lessons: Review: Author's Purpose

Animated Comprehension Lessons: Theme

·         Common Core Standard: RI.5.5. Compare and contrast the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more texts.

Technology Standard:
3- Technology for Learning and Collaboration

Animated Comprehension Lessons: Problem and Solution (need to be logged into connected.mcgrawhill)








August 2016