
Domain:  Geometry girl draw shapes

Teacher Notes/Kindergarten Home

Essential Skills and Knowledge Student Resources Teacher Resources
K.G.A.1 Identify and describe shapes
K.G.A.1 Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.  mouseSmartboard iconPosition Words - Listen and Move
towerSmartBoard IconPracticing Position Words

monkeySmartBoard IconPosition Words

cat Deep Sea Follow Me
(PBSKids - open in Chrome)
duckBuild a Marble Coaster
(PBSKids - open in Chrome)

Monster Shape MatchMonster Shape Match

Which CliffordWhich Clifford?

curriculum iconsmartnotebookScarecrow Position Words

Geometry Interactive Whiteboard Resources

Teddy Bear Positions Song

Where's The Monkey?

Where Am I Now?

In Front Of, Behind, Between

K.G.A.2 Identify and describe shapes
K.G.A.2 Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size. tigerIdentify the Shapes

turtleIdentify Solid Figures

llamaSolid Figures and Plane Figures

rhinoGeometry of Everyday Objects

duckMagical Shape Hunt -Solid Figures
(PBSKids - open in Chrome)

dragonReal World Shape Match 

race car Shape Kites
(PBSKids -  open in Chrome)

horse 2D/3D Shapes

catPatch Tool

fishShape Construction

Curriculum Icon Sesame Street Videos:

Changing Shape

Pancake Manor

Hexagon Song

The Learning Station: Shapes Song

2D Shape Song

curriculum iconsmartnotebook icon 2D Shape Intro

K.G.A.3  Identify and describe shapes
K.G.A.3 Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane "flat") or three-dimensional ("solid").  cat smartboard iconSolid Shape Sort

monkeySmartBoard IconSolid Figures Tree Map

2D and 3D Shape Sort2D and 3D Shape Sort
Shapes In Geometric Art (PowerPoint)

Birthday Present Sort

3D Shapes I Know

Learn 3D Shapes

Not A Box
K.G.B.4 Anaylze, compare, create and compose shapes
K.G.B.4 Analyze and compare two- and three- dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts (eg. number of sides and vertices/"corners") and other attributes (eg. having sides of equal length). duckPattern Cookie Hunt
(PBSKids - open in Chrome)

 monkeyFlat Shapes
(PBSKids - open in Chrome)

turtlesmartboard iconWhat Solid Shape Am I?

balloonSmartBoard IconCompare Shapes Small Group

CurriculumwhaleFuzz Bugs

Curriculum Videos:
Sesame Street: Guess What's Next

Discovery Icon
Prior to selecting a link, login to Discovery Education (

Patterns Around Us

Stack, Slide, Roll

Curriculum Connection
What Am I?

Starry Patterns

Everybody Do a Pattern

K.G.B.5 Analyze, compare, create and compose shapes
K.G.B.5 Model shapes in the world by building shapes from components (eg. sticks and clay balls) and drawing shapes. Eiffel TowerCat in the Hat Sketch a Shape & Build a Tower
(PBSKids - open in Chrome)

flyFlat Shape Race
(PBSKids - open in Chrome)

trainBuild a Sandcastle with George
(Curious George)
Shape Project - Creating Models

discovery streaming

Prior to selecting the link, login to Discovery Education (

The Cartoon Encyclopedia of Mathematics: Shape Up: An Introduction to Geometry
K.G.B.6 Analyze, compare, create and compose shapes
K.G.B.6 Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes. catTessellations
(PBSKids - open in Chrome

Curriculum Connections DuckTangram Puzzles


monkeysmart notebook iconTangrams

Curriculum Connections dragonSmartboardTangrams 2

catSmartBoard IconPattern Block Play

Curriculum ConnectionturtleGeoboard

 (Math Learning Center)


(National Library of Virtual Manipulatives)

Teachers login to wixie, select the link, then assign to students


Shapes All Around Us

Tangram Alphabet


Teacher Notes


Geometry Activities Website/Activity Content Standards/Technology Standards
Identifying and Describing Shapes Position Words - Listen and Move  

Practicing Position Words

Position Words

Monster Shape Match

Deep See Follow Me

Build a Marble Coaster

Scarecrow Position Words

Geometry Interactive Whiteboard Resources

Teddy Bear Positions Song
Common Core: K.G.A.1- Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms as above, below, beside, in front of, behind and next to.

Technology: ISTE Standards for Students Addressed:  1. Empowered Learner; 5. Computational Thinker

Identifying and Describing Shapes
Identify the Shapes

Identify Solid Figures

Solid Figures and Plane Figures

Geometry of Everyday Objects

Changing Shape

Pancake Manor

Hexagon Song

Magical Shape Hunt

Real World Shape Match

Shape Kites

2D/3D Shapes

Patch Tool

Shape Construction

The Learning Station Shapes Song

2D Shape Intro
Common Core: K.G.A.2-Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size.

Technology: ISTE Standards for Students Addressed:  1. Empowered Learner; 5. Computational Thinker
Identifying and Describing Shapes  Solid Shape Sort

Solid Figures Tree Map

2D and 3D Shape Sort

Shapes in Geometric Art

3D Shapes I Know

Learn 3D Shapes

Not a Box

Birthday Present Sort

Common Core: K.G.A.3 - Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, "flat") or three dimensional ("solid").

Technology: ISTE Standards for Students Addressed:  1. Empowered Learner; 5. Computational Thinker

Analyze, compare, create and compose shapes Pattern Cookie Hunt

Flat Shapes

What Solid Shape Am I?

Compare Shapes

Stack, Slide, Roll

What Am I?

Starry Patterns

Everybody Do A Pattern
Sesame Street: Guess What's Next

Patterns Around Us (DE)

Fuzz Bugs

Common Core:  K G.B.4 Analyze and compare two and three dimensional shapes in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts and other attributes.

Technology: ISTE Standards for Students Addressed:
 1. Empowered Learner; 5. Computational Thinker
Identifying and Describing ShapesAnalyze, compare, create and compose shapes. Shape Project - Creating Models

Cat in the Hat Sketch a Shape and Build a  Tower

Flat Shape Race

Build a Sandcastle with George
Common Core: K.G.A.5-Model shapes in the world by building shapes from components and drawing shapes

Technology: ISTE Standards for Students Addressed:  1. Empowered Learner; 5. Computational Thinker
Tessellations PBS

Tangram Puzzles


Tangrams 2


Geoboard Manipulatives


Pattern Block Play

Shapes All Around Us

Tangram Alphabet

Common Core: K.G.B.6 Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes.

Technology: ISTE Standards for Students Addressed:
 1. Empowered Learner; 5. Computational Thinker


Instructional Technology- August 2017