Teacher NotesConnect EdTheme ConnectionsThird Grade Home
working together Third Grade
Unit 4
Our Teams
Enduring Understanding:
A team is a group of people who work together to get a job done. 

Essential Question:
What makes a strong team?
Week 1/ Week 2/ Week 3/ Week 4/ Week 5
Week 1 - Seven Spools of Thread Teacher Resources Student Resources

Student Learning Outcomes:

Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.


Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.


Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral language.


Distinguish their own point of view from that of the narrator or those of the characters

I can statements:

I can use details/evidence from the text to ask and answer questions before, during, and after reading to show understanding.

I can explain how the characters’ actions affect the sequence of the story.

I can describe how the author shows creativity using non-literal (figurative) language.


I can identify how literal language helps me understand the author’s purpose.


I can distinguish my own point of view from that of the narrator or characters to help me to understand the author’s purpose.

Unit 4 - 1 Vocabulary - (PowerPoint)

Vocabulary Match

Vocabulary Review

Writing Prompts for Week 1-
Use these prompts to encourage students to write each day.

SmartboardTeaching Dialogue with Student Prompt

Smartboard Lesson
Seven Spools of Thread - (Teacher tool) Use this Smartboard lesson throughout week for introduction of and activities for vocabulary, word knowledge, comprehension, and writing.

Smartboard Lesson
Drawing Conclusions - (Teacher tool) Use this Smartboard lesson to introduce comprehension skill, drawing conclusions.

QR Codes for Listening Centers: Teachers please print these out for the students to use.
 Writing Dialogue - I can write a narrative using dialogue between two characters. 

Animal Dialogue - I can create a fictional scenario and dialogue between two characters in a photo.
Note: Login to aacps.discoveryeducation.com prior to clicking link.

RevisedCause and Effect - I can complete a multi-flow map to show cause and effect relationships. Share with your teacher as directed using OneDrive or Google Drive.
PowerPoint version
Google Slides version

Cause and Effect
I can write cause and effect relationships when reading "Seven Spools of Thread".

RevisedText Features  -I can identify the text features and how it helps the reader when reading to be informed. Share with your teacher as directed using OneDrive or Google Drive.
Word version
Google Drawings version

Vocabulary Game - I can play games to learn the vocabulary for the week. 

Spelling Game - I can play games to learn the spelling for the week. 

RevisedSummary of a "Spools of Thread" I can write a summary of "Seven Spools of Thread" using words from a word box.  Share with your teacher as directed using OneDrive or Google Drive.
Word version
Google Doc version

I can work with a partner to complete oral language activities from Treasures.
Oral Language Activity (slideshow)

Partner oral language activity (game)
Partner oral language activity 2 (game)

Week 2 - Nacho and Lolita Teacher Resources Student Resources

Student Learning Outcomes:

Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text.


Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral language.


Distinguish their own point of view from that of the narrator or those of the characters.


Explain how specific aspects of a text's illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects of a character or setting)


I Can Statements:

I can use key details from the text to explain the message, moral, or lesson of a story.


I can identify how the author shows creativity using non-literal (figurative) language.


I can identify examples of literal language and how they helped me understand the author’s purpose.


I can distinguish my own point of view from that of the narrator or characters to help me to understand the author’s purpose.


I can identify how the illustrations of a story contribute to the feelings of the characters, the mood of the story, and details of the setting.

Smartboard IconLinking Verbs

Unit 4 - 2  Vocabulary (PowerPoint)

Vocabulary Match

Vocabulary Review

Readers' Theatre (Print for students) - Students will read the script for "Nacho and Lolita" to practice fluency. 

Reading Activities for story,
Nacho and Lolita.

Discovery Education
Author's Message of a Fable
-(Running Time 13:00)
Note: If the link does not work, log in to aacps.discoveryeducation.com
All About the Author  (website) - I can read about the author Pam Munzo Ryan, and then I can create a circle map to organize information I learned about her inside the circle, and questions I would like to ask her outside the circle map.
Circle Map Template (Inspiration)

Trading Card - (Website) I can create a trading card to describe one of the characters from this week's story.

Visualizing Text- I can locate descriptive text that helps me visualize and better understand the characters, plot, or setting.
Note: Login to aacps.discoveryeducation.com prior to clicking the link.

Oral Vocabulary Cards (PowerPoint) - I can practice and develop oral vocabulary in context of the weekly reading selection. 

Author's Message (web based)- I can make inferences and draw conclusions to determine the theme of the story.

Author's Theme (Inspiration)- I can complete a theme map by paraphrasing and recording the details from the story. 

Vocabulary Game - I can play games to learn the vocabulary for the week. 

Spelling Game 1 and Spelling Game 2 - I can play games to learn the spelling for the week. 

Summary of a Folktale (Word) - I can listen to an audio summary of "Seven Spools of Thread" and then will use Word to write a summary.  (Link for audio is in Word Document)

 I can
work with a partner to complete oral language activities from Treasures.
Oral Language Activity
Partner oral language activity (game)

RevisedWriting Activity
I can write a story about one of the pictures used in the oral language activity about getting along with others. After composing your story, share it using OneDrive or Google Drive with a classmate for peer review.
Word version
Google Doc version

Partner oral language activity (game)

Week 3 -A Growing Interest(TFK) Teacher Resources Student Resources
Student Learning Outcomes:

Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.


Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect


Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently


Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur).


I can statements:


I can use details/evidence from the text to ask and answer questions before, during, and after reading to show understanding.


I can use language that shows time, sequence, and cause/effect to help me to compare the relationships between events, ideas, and procedures.


I can use text features and search tools to help me locate information accurately.

I can use text features to increase my understanding and ability to make informed choices.



Unit 4 - 3 Vocabulary (PowerPoint)

Vocabulary Match

Vocabulary Review

Writing Prompts for Week  3 - Use these prompts to encourage students to write each day.

Vocabulary Game - I can play games to learn the vocabulary for the week. 

Tagxedo - I can use vocabulary words and important words from the story to create word art using Tagxedo.

Spelling Game 1 and Spelling Game 2 - I can play games to learn the spelling for the week. 

Oral Vocabulary Cards (PowerPoint) - I can practice and develop oral vocabulary in context of the weekly reading selection. 

RevisedSummary of Informational Text  - I can read about corn mazes and then  write a summary about what I learned.  (Link for slideshow with text and pictures is in the document). Share with your teacher as directed using OneDrive or Google Drive.
Word version
Google Doc version

Day and Night - I can listen to a literary text to learn more about day and night.  (Can be used for fluency practice too.)

I can work with a partner to complete oral language activities from Treasures.
Oral Language Activity
Partner oral language activity (game)
Partner oral language activity (game)

Pixie ActivityProblem and Solution - I can complete a table to organize the plot of stories that were read.  Then I can write a summary of one of the stories using information from the table.
Week 4 - Ramona and her Father Teacher Resources Student Resources

Student Learning Outcomes:

Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.


Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a text, using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how each successive part builds on earlier sections.


Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters (e.g., in books from a series)


I can statements:

I can describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.


I can identify how different sections of the text build upon earlier parts in order to create the complete piece of literature.


I can compare and contrast two texts by the same author to help me to understand the settings, plots, themes, and characters of stories.



Unit 4 - 4 Vocabulary (PowerPoint)

Vocabulary Match

Vocabulary Review
Vocabulary Game - I can play games to learn the vocabulary for the week. 

Spelling Game - I can play games to learn the spelling for the week. 

RevisedSummary of Literary Text  - I can listen to an audio of "Ramona and Her Father" and then will write a summary.  (Link for audio is in the document). When done writing, share with a friend using OneDrive or Google Drive and compare summaries. Make notes to one another using the comment feature.
Word version
Google Doc version

RevisedPoetry - I can read to learn more about what is a poem and the types of poems there are using the website link. Then, after reading different types of poems, I can decide which poem I like best and will explain why. Share with your teacher as directed using OneDrive or Google Drive.
Poetry Website
Word version
Google Doc version.

I can work with a partner to complete oral language activities from Treasures.
Oral Language Activity (slideshow)

Partner oral language activity (game)
Partner oral language activity (game)

Pixie Lesson
Plot - I can describe the parts of a story they are reading or writing. (Record voice for speaking and listening CCS)

Week 5 - Out of this World! Teacher Resources Student Resources

Student Learning Outcomes:

Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea.


Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect


Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic


I Can Statements:

I can use key details/evidence from the text to ask and answer questions before, during, and after reading to show understanding.


I can use language that shows time, sequence, and cause/effect to help me to compare the relationships between events, ideas, and procedures.

I can compare the information from the multiple sources and determine its importance.




Unit 4 - 5 Vocabulary (PowerPoint)

Vocabulary Match

Vocabulary Review

Discovery Ed Icon
Astronauts (Running Time 10:00)
Note: If the link does not work, log in to aacps.discoveryeducation.com

Discovery Ed Icon
Are you cut out to be an Astronaut? (Running Time 11:55)
Note: If the link does not work, log in to aacps.discoveryeducation.com

Discovery Ed Icon
What's in Space? (Running Time 15:51)
Note: If the link does not work, log in to aacps.discoveryeducation.com

Ellen Ochoa character trait - I can read and view a video clip on Ellen Ochoa and give text support to justify she represents a character trait. Note: Login to aacps.discoveryeducation.com prior to clicking link.

Vocabulary Game - I can play games to learn the vocabulary for the week. 

Spelling Game 1 and Spelling Game 2 - I can play games to learn the spelling sound for the week. 

Biocube - (Website) I can create a tree map while reading about each astronaut in "Out of this World". Using the tree map, I can create a biocube about one of the astronauts from the tree map.

RevisedSummary of a Biography  - I can listen to an audio of "Out of this World" and then write a summary.  (Link for audio is in the document). Share with your teacher as directed using OneDrive or Google Drive.
Word version
Google Doc version

I can work with a partner to complete oral language activities from Treasures.
Oral Language Activity (slideshow)

Partner oral language activity (game)
Partner oral language activity (game)

Solar System -
I can seqence the planets in order from the sun.















Theme Connections
Our Teams
Unit 4 Theme Project:  What makes a strong team?
Poster for Teamwork
Unit 4 Research Question: 
In this unit, you will read about what can get done when people work as a team.  Find out about a team that worked together to accomplish something important.  Write about the team.  What did they accomplish?  How did they work together to accomplish their goal?

1.  What makes a strong team?  Organize your ideas by making a circle map about an accomplishment you would like to learn about.

Using PowerPoint or Microsoft Word (Print Out)
2.  You will create a tree map to organize ideas and information for each question.  In your frame, make sure to include the resources you used to learn this information. 

Another Option - Circle Maps (PowerPoint)

3.  You will use their thinking maps to synthesize their information to write about the topic you researched.  You will include a topic sentence, middle paragraphs, and a  closing paragraph.  You will revise and edit with a partner. 
Synthesizing Information to Write (Microsoft Word)

(There are many ideas listed in the teacher resources list below for possible products your students may do for the theme project.)

Research Links for Theme Project for Students:
Ecology Center This is a community gardening site that encourages communities to garden together.
Learn About Hear Me Organization
Listen to an Audio Story
See a Visual Story
Read a Written Story

HEAR ME amplifies kids' voices using MEDIA and TECHNOLOGY to CREATE a world where they are heard, acknowledged and understood, giving them the power to INSPIRE social change.

Unit 4 Writing - Fictional Narrative:
In this unit, you will identify features of a fictional narrative.  You will plan and write a fictional narrative using a tree map to organize ideas. 
Introduction to Fictional Narrative
(Teacher Directed Smartboard Lesson for Unit 4 - Goes along with Unit 4 Writing on pages 137A - 137H in Unit 4 of Treasures for Grade 3)
Tree Map to Organize Ideas for Narrative (Inspiration)
Technology Resources:
Tech Knowledge - You will use Paint and drawing tools to draw a picture.  You will work together to create the picture.  As a team, you will view the video to learn how to use the tools.  You will then assign each person on your team a tool to use and then you will create your own picture. 
Resources for Teachers focusing on Teamwork:
Working Together is New Ways (PDF) - This document can be used with your advanced learners to read more about how to work together.  It shows how groups have worked together to accomplish a goal.  There is also a great example of how to create a flow map to show how a group worked together to accomplish a goal.  You could have your students create a flow map, like the example provided in this document, to show how a group worked together to accomplish a goal. 

These sites has many great ideas for teachers to use with their students to build teams.   
Make a Welcome Book

Teamwork in the Classroom (Lesson plan)
Teamwork Poetry (lesson plan)
Effective Teamwork
Stacker Mania Teamwork Game

Hear Me - Students could add an audio, visual or written story which shows how they brought about change when working together. 




















Teacher Notes
Standards Resources
Common Core Standard:
RL3 CCR Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of the text.
Technology Standard:
Standard 3:  Technology for Learning and Collaboration - Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. 
Student Prompt for Writing
Cause and Effect
Common Core Standard:
RL2 CCR Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.
Technology Standard:
Standard 3:  Technology for Learning and Collaboration - Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. 
Summary of a Fable
Summary of a Folktale
Summary of Info Text
Summary of Literary Text
Summary of Biography
Learn about Theme
Author's Message
Author's Theme
Common Core Standard:
RI1 CCR Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. 
Technology Standard:
All About the Author
Problem and Solution
Ellen Ochoa Discovery
Common Core Standard:
W3 CCR Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. 
RL2 CCR Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development, summarize the key supporting details and ideas. 

Technology Standard:
Standard 3:  Technology for Learning and Collaboration - Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. 
Unit 4 Writing
Sequencing Skill
Common Core Standard:
RL7 CCR Integrate and evaluate content presented n diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. 
Technology Standard:
Standard 3:  Technology for Learning and Collaboration - Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. 
Text Features
Common Core Standard:
L4.a. Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. 
Technology Standard:
Standard 3:  Technology for Learning and Collaboration - Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. 
Oral Vocabulary Cards
Vocabulary Game
Homophone Word Study
Common Core Standard:
L2.e CCR Use conventional spelling for high-frequency and other studied words and for adding suffixes to base words. 
L2.f CCR Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g. word families, position-based spellings, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in writing words.
Technology Standard:
Standard 3:  Technology for Learning and Collaboration - Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. 
Spelling Games 1 and 2
Soft c and g Word Study
Common Core Standard:
SL1 CCR Prepare and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. 
SL2 CCR Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media formats, including visually, quantitatlively, and orally.
SL3 CCR Evaluate a speaker's point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric.
SL4 CCR Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. 
Technology Standard:
Standard 3:  Technology for Learning and Collaboration - Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. 
Theme Project
Unit 4 Writing
Oral language activities and partner oral language activities
Common Core Standard:
L1.b CCR Form and use regular and irregular plural nouns. 
Technology Standard:
Standard 3:  Technology for Learning and Collaboration - Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. 
Plurals Word Study
Common Core Standard:
RF3 CCR Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. 
Technology Standard:
Standard 3:  Technology for Learning and Collaboration - Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. 
The /ô/ Sound Word Study
Common Core Standard:
RF4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. 
Technology Standard:
Standard 3:  Technology for Learning and Collaboration - Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. 
Day and Night
Common Core Standard:
SL2 CCR Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitaltively, and orally. 
SL5 CCR Make strategies use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations. 
Technology Standard:
Standard 3:  Technology for Learning and Collaboration - Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. 
Day and Night
Theme Project
Unit 4 Writing
Summary of a Fable
Summary of a Folktale
Summary of Info Text
Summary of Literary Text
Summary of Biography
Learning about Plants
Hear Me
Common Core Standard:
RL10 CCR Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. 
Technology Standard:
Standard 3:  Technology for Learning and Collaboration - Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. 
Visualizing Text Discovery Education







August 2016