Second Grade Unit 2 Community Heroes |
Week 1/ Week 2/ Week 3/ Week 4/Week 5 | |||
Understanding Heroes are all around us. They face difficult situations with courage and wisdom. Essential Question: What heroes live in your community? |
Heroes - Theme Research Project My Hero See Teacher Notes |
Unit 2 Weekly Spelling Lists (Teacher Resource) |
Board Posters |
Week 1: Babu's Song | Teacher Resources | Student Resources | |
Word Study |
Blending Chart Day 1 Blending Chart Day 3 Long Vowel Dominoes- Directions Dominoes Recording Sheet Long A Dominoes Game pg.1 Long A Dominoes Game pg. 2 Vocabulary (bookmarks and printable dominoes game) Commas In a Series Oral Vocabulary Cards - Week 1 |
Weekly Vocabulary Practice (Student Station) Vocabulary Splash (Student Station) Babu's Song: Character Response & Character/Setting/Plot (Student Station) Noun Dunk (Student Station) Find the Noun! (Student Station) Rats! Nouns! (Student Station) |
Enduring Understanding: Good readers describe the traits, motivations, and feelings of characters and how setting affects the plot and characters. Essential Question: How did the setting and characters affect the events in the story? |
Instructional Slides Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Education in Africa This video describes what education is like in Kenya on the elementary level. It includes real video footage of a Kenyan classroom and a few students. (2 mins.) Note: If the link does not work login to |
Education: Compare and Contrast (Students will compare American Education to Kenyan Education and respond to a writing prompt) (Note: Link to DE video and CultureGrams is also in the SmartBoard file) Cinderella: Character, Setting, and Plot (Student Station) |
Week 2: Dona Flor | Teacher Resources | Student Resources | |
Word Study |
Blending Chart Day 1 Blending Chart Day 3 Long E Dominoes Games pg. 1 Long E Dominoes Games pg. 2 Plural Nouns Oral Vocabulary Cards - Week 2 |
Weekly Vocabulary Practice (Student Station) Vocabulary Splash (Student Station) Nouns (Brainpop Jr.) |
Enduring Understanding: Good readers know that cause-and-effect relationships make up the events in the story. Essential Question: What details can you remember about the characters? What plot events did the character traits, motivations, or feelings cause? |
Instructional Slides Food Creatures Procedural Directions Writing Activity Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Engaging with Cause & Effect Through Creating Comic Strips |
Cause and Effect (Student Station) Cause and Effect (Student Station) Cause and Effect (Student Station- Shorter Text) Cause and Effect (Student Station- Longer Text) |
Week 3: A Tall Tale | Teacher Resources | Student Resources | |
Word Study |
Blending Chart Day 1 Blending Chart Day 3 Long I Dominoes Game pg. 1 Long I Dominoes Game pg. 2 Proper Nouns Oral Vocabulary Cards - Week 3 |
Weekly Vocabulary Practice (Student Station) Vocabulary Splash (Student Station) Compound Words Apostrophe Practice (Student Station) Apostrophe Sentences (Student Station) |
Enduring Understanding: Good readers locate facts in a selection and identify the main idea. Essential Question: What is the connection between all of the details in the selection? |
Instructional Slides Day 1 Main Idea Introduction (Brain Pop Video - What is a "main idea?") |
A Tall Tale Main Idea Main Idea and Details: Test Tutor (Student Station) Main Idea, Yipee! (Student Station) |
Week 4: One Grain of Rice | Teacher Resources | Student Resources | |
Word Study |
Blending Chart Day 1 Blending Chart Day 3 Long O Dominoes Game pg.1 Long O Dominoes Game pg. 2 Possessive Nouns Oral Vocabulary Cards - Week 4 |
Weekly Vocabulary Practice (Student Station) Vocabulary Splash (Student Station) |
Enduring Understanding: Good readers use story clues to draw conclusions. Essential Question: What inferences can you make about the characters and their traits, motivations, and feelings? |
Cinderella This 13 minute video is James Marshall's version of Cinderella. Note: If the link does not work login to Turkey Girl This about five minute video is an example of a Native American Cinderella version. Note: If the link does not work login to Cinderella Version Comparison Double Bubble Map (Kidspiration) |
Generate Questions Foldable (Word Document) Letter Generator (Student interactive for friendly letters) Make Inferences (Student Station) Make Inferences Quiz (Student Station) What is a Fairytale? (Student Station) Cinderella Writing Activity Cinderella Writing Activity Rubric |
Week 5: African-American Inventors | Teacher Resources | Student Resources | |
Word Study |
Blending Chart Day 1 Blending Chart Day 3 Long U Dominoes Game pg.1 Long U Dominoes Game pg. 2 Vocabulary (bookmarks and printable dominoes game) Oral Vocabulary Cards - Week 5 |
Weekly Vocabulary Practice (Student Station) Vocabulary Splash (Student Station) |
Enduring Understanding: Good readers compare and contrast facts and other information to help them identify the main idea. Essential Question: What is the main idea of the selection? |
Compare and Contrast Main Idea |
Bio-Cube (Student Interactive) Compare and Contrast (Student Station) Compare and Contrast Map (Student Station) Main Idea (Student Station) George Washington Carver Writing Prompt Note to teacher, you must copy to your my content and assign this assignment. |
Theme Connections | |
Curriculum Links | Resources |
Teacher Notes | |
Standards | Resources |
Common Core Standard:
RI 4 Determine the
meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic
or subject area. Technology Standard: Standard 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration. Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Weekly Vocabulary Practice |
Common Core Standard:
W 1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or or book
they are writing about, state an opinion and supply reasons that
support the opinion, use linking words to connect opinion and
reasons, provide a concluding statement or section W6
With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital
tools to produce and publish writing, including collaboration with
My Hero
This free project-based website is designed so that
teachers/students can post stories/artwork/short films about their
heroes. Teachers can set it up so that students can view their
classmates stories, etc also. |
Common Core Standard: RL 7 Integrate and
evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including
visually and quatitatively, as well as in words. W2 Write informative/ explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section. Technology Standard: Standard 4: Teachnology for Communication and Expression. Use technology to share ideas and communicate information using a variety of formats. |
Cinderella Comparison
Common Core Standard: RL 3 Describe how
characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. Technology Standard: Standard 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration. Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Engaging with Cause and Effect through Comic Strips |
Common Core Standard: W 6 With guidance, use
technology to present findings/conclusions in a variety of formats. Technology Standard: Standard 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration. Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Letter Generator |
Common Core Standard: RF 3 Identify and apply vowel
pronunciation rules to read words. Technology Standard: Standard 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration. Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Long Vowel Dominoes Game Created by Beth Newingham |
Common Core Standard: RL 9 Compare and Contrast two
or more versions by different authors or from different cultures. Technology Standard: Standard 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration. Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Cinderella Turkey Girl |
Common Core Standard: RL 9 Compare and Contrast two
or more versions by different authors or from different cultures. Technology Standard: Standard 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration. Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Cinderella Version Comparison (Kidspiration) Compare and Contrast Map Compare and Contrast |
Common Core Standard: W 3
Write narratives in which they recount a well elaborated event or
short sequence of events, including details to describe actions,
thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order,
and provide a sense of closure. Technology Standard: Standard 4: Teachnology for Communication and Expression. Use technology to share ideas and communicate information using a variety of formats. |
CInderella Writing Activity |
Common Core Standard: W 6 With guidance, use
technology to present findings/conclusions in a variety of formats. Technology Standard: Standard 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration. Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Bio-Cube |
Common Core Standard: RL 1 Ask and answer such
questions as who, what, where, when and how to demonstrate
understanding in a text. Technology Standard: Standard 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration. Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Generate Questions Foldable Cause and Effect |
Common Core Standard: L 1.a. Use collective
nouns. Technology Standard: Standard 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration. Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Noun Dunk Find the Nouns! Rats! Nouns! Nouns |
Common Core Standard: RL 7
Use information gained from the
illustrations and words in print or digital text to demonstrate
understanding of its characters, setting, or plot . Technology Standard: Standard 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration. Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Babu's Song: Character Response &
Character/Setting/Plot Cinderella: Character, Setting, and Plot Make Inferences Make Inferences Quiz |
Common Core Standard:
RI 2 Identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text as well
as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text. Technology Standard: Standard 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration. Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Main Idea Introduction A Tall Tale Main Idea Main Idea Main Idea: Test Tutor Main Idea Practice Main Idea, Yipee! |
Common Core Standard:
L 2.2c Use an apostrophe to form contractions and
frequently occurring possessives. Technology Standard: Standard 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration. Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Apostrophe Practice Apostrophe Sentences Possessive Nouns |
Common Core Standard: RL 2
Recount stories, including fables and folktales from different
cultures, and determine cultures, and determine their central
message, lesson or moral. Technology Standard: Standard 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration. Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
What is a Fairytale? |
Common Core Standard: L.2.1
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar
and usage when writing or speaking. Technology Standard: Standard 3: Technology for Learning and Collaboration. Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. |
Commas In A Series |
Common Core Standard RI 8:
Describe how reasons support specific points the author makes in a
text. W8: Recall information from
experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a
question. Technology Standard:
Standard 3: Technology for Learning and
Collaboration |
George Washington Carver Writing Prompt |
August 2015